What spoon to use for caviar? - Advice from Bester Caviar

What spoon to use for caviar? - Advice from Bester Caviar

Tasting caviar is not your ordinary experience. Due to its luxurious status and delicate nature of the product, it is not recommended to eat caviar with random toppings you find in your fridge and random tableware you take from your shelves. The precious fish eggs require special treatment, so they can reveal their pure flavor.

Therefore, if you have made a decision to order caviar for the first time, take your time to learn the right way of serving it, and one of the most important aspects here would be picking the appropriate caviar spoon material. 

What is a caviar spoon?

A tiny, uniquely shaped spoon known as a caviar spoon is used to serve and consume caviar. Typically, caviar spoons are manufactured with materials like mother-of-pearl, horn, bone, gold, or silver that won't interfere with the delicate flavor of the caviar. The compact size, shallow bowl, and long handle of the spoon make it ideal for handling delicate caviar eggs with the care they deserve. 

By using the right caviar spoon, you may prevent the fragile eggs from being harmed while serving or eating the caviar and maintain its flavor and texture. Caviar spoons are frequently seen as a luxury item and can be found in upscale eateries, hotels, and specialty stores.

What are caviar spoons made of?

Typically, non-reactive materials that won't alter the flavor of the caviar are used to make caviar spoons. Mother-of-pearl, bone, horn, and precious metals like gold and silver are some of the common choices.

Mother of pearl

It is a common practice to use a mother-of-pearl spoon for caviar. Smooth, inert, and resistant to chemicals, mother-of-pearl is the most caviar-friendly material you can find. And this is a crucial characteristic because metallic tastes usually infect caviar, and for the delicate and pricey delicacy fish roes are, it is unacceptable. 

A mother-of-pearl spoon's smooth, rounded surface prevents the tender caviar eggs from being harmed or crushed while being served or consumed. In the world of caviar, using a mother-of-pearl spoon is considered a symbol of quality and attention to detail, and is favored by connoisseurs and professionals in the food industry.

Bone caviar spoon

horn caviar spoon

A bone caviar spoon is another great option for caviar serving and tasting. Similar to mother-of-pearl spoons, bone spoons are inert and have no impact on the caviar's flavor. 

Connoisseurs prefer bone spoons because of their distinctive textures and natural look. They can be crafted from a variety of animal bones, including those of the cow, buffalo, and camel, and are frequently adorned or artistically carved to improve their beauty. 

Bone caviar spoons are a preferred option for both professional chefs and household cooks since they are strong, lightweight, and simple to use. However, there is a chance that bone shards would break off and contaminate the caviar, pushing some people to choose mother-of-pearl spoons instead of bone ones.

Turtle shell

Since turtles are an endangered species under protection, using a spoon made of a turtle's shell is frowned upon and even illegal in a number of countries. However, in the past, turtle shell was a popular material for caviar spoons, but eventually, it led to a negative effect on the turtle population. 

Instead, experts lean towards other non-toxic materials like the aforementioned mother-of-pearl, bone, and horn of the animals that do not experience the danger of becoming extinct.

Gold spoon

A caviar gold spoon is a luxurious alternative for rare occasions or upscale restaurants. Gold is another non-reactive material that won't tamper with the caviar flavor, and spoons' non-standard weight and balance can bring a new point of view to the dining experience. A gold spoon's reflective surface can also draw attention to the delicate caviar's color and texture. 

However, gold spoons are neither a practical nor affordable option for everyday usage, so a lot of pep prefer the more conventional materials we have described before. 

Silver spoon

Some connoisseurs also like the lavish option of tasting their caviar with a silver spoon. Silver is a non-reactive material that won't alter the caviar's flavor, much like gold.

Due to its more subtle appearance and adaptability, which allows it to combine with a larger variety of tableware and decor, some gourmets choose silver spoons over gold ones. However, we would say that a silver caviar spoon is also not a very practical option and should be reserved for special occasions or places.


The trendy practice of serving caviar with a glass spoon has grown popular in recent years. Glass is another resistant material that has no impact on the caviar's flavor, and the spoon's transparency lets the delicate texture and color of the caviar shine through. 

Glass spoons are a useful option for both home and commercial use due to their added advantages of being easy to clean and sanitize. They have a more minimalist appeal than traditional materials like bone or mother-of-pearl, which attracts the audience of connoisseurs who enjoys the contemporary style.

However, it is pretty easy to break glass, so you need to be extra careful while using, cleaning, and serving them.


caviar wooden spoon

A caviar wooden spoon is a traditional and rustic choice you won't encounter in a lot of establishments. Wood is inert and won't reach with caviar, and the warmth and texture of this material can help grant your presentation a more natural and organic feel. 

Wooden spoons can be curved and carved to creatively alter their appearance. The most popular kinds of wood for these purposes include olive, walnut, or cherry. Due to their natural attractiveness and environmental friendliness, some individuals like wooden spoons over those made of other materials. On the other hand, wooden spoons can be porous and may need extra attention while washing and sanitizing.


A plastic caviar spoon is an affordable and practical option alternative that is typically offered in supermarkets and grocery stores. However, we won't say that plastic is the best spoon for caviar due to its porous nature which tends to absorb and transfer aromas and scents. At the same time, plastic is not very eco-friendly.

Plastic spoons might be acceptable for casual and everyday use but are not suggested for formal settings or special events. For caviar spoons, we suggest picking other environmentally-safe, non-reactive materials if it is possible for your case.

Can you eat caviar with a metal spoon?

metal caviar spoon

Yes, it is possible to eat caviar with a metal spoon, but it is generally not recommended by caviar connoisseurs. Caviar metal spoons, such as silver or stainless steel ones, can react with the delicate taste and texture of the caviar, resulting in an unpleasant metallic taste. This can significantly alter the flavor profile and aroma of the caviar, which won’t happen with non-reactive materials such as mother-of-pearl, bone, glass, or wood.

The choice of spoon material for caviar is important, as it can enhance or detract from the overall dining experience. Non-reactive materials are preferred as they do not affect the delicate flavor and texture of the caviar. Bone or pearl caviar spoons have been traditionally used due to their smooth, non-porous surface and neutral taste. Glass spoons have also become popular in recent years due to their modern and elegant appearance, while wooden spoons offer a rustic and natural touch.

In addition to spoon material, the shape and size of the spoon can also impact the caviar tasting experience. A small, shallow spoon is ideal for scooping up small amounts of caviar and experiencing its delicate texture and flavor. The spoon should also be gently curved to avoid crushing the delicate roe and should not be too heavy or cumbersome.

Why use a mother-of-pearl spoon for caviar?

Mother-of-pearl is the best material for caviar spoons since it is smooth, non-reactive, and does not alter the delicate flavor and texture of the caviar. A mother-of-pearl spoon has the additional benefit of not absorbing flavors or aromas due to its non-porous surface when serving caviar.

Additionally, it has a lovely shimmering appearance that gives the tasting experience a touch of elegance. Natural mother-of-pearl is derived from the iridescent lining of specific mollusk shells. Due to its distinctive and lovely appearance, it is a common material for jewelry and decorative items. Such a grace will be a great match for such a unique appetizer as authentic sturgeon caviar.

If you want to enrich your experience and ensure that your caviar will stay taste the way it should, you can always buy mother-of-pearl spoons from Bester Caviar shop as a separate item or as a part of a gift set. Feel free to contact us if you need help choosing tableware for your perfect caviar occasion!


As you can see, selecting the best caviar spoons is essential. And though some materials are definitely a no-go for fish roe, you still have a wide selection of options that can provide you with a different ambiance and feeling. So, when making your first order, take advantage of the discount we offer for every new client and check not only the caviar assortment but our accessories offers.

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