Black caviar was always associated with luxurious and wealthy life, a symbol of prosperity and success. This delicacy is an expensive treat although you can find premium black caviar at affordable prices even in USA, one of the wealthiest countries in the World rated in top 5 countries with the highest black caviar consumption.
Top importers of black caviar in the World include Japan, United States, Russia, France and Guyana. Since 2014 United States import of caviar grew 14.2% a year on year totalizing $37,175,736.
Once in a while many people can afford getting a tin of caviar. But how to choose black caviar so as not to get disappointed? How does black caviar taste?
Twice a month we have a promotion, when you can buy caviar online very profitable. Buy two tins of caviar and get the third for free!
Most known types of sturgeon caviar:
- Beluga caviar. It’s the most expensive type of black caviar. It has the largest eggs from sturgeon family, can reach up to 3.5mm in diameter, its eggs are very fragile and melt in a mouth. Color of beluga caviar isn’t black, but silver-grey. Beluga caviar is illegal to import to the USA. So in USA market you will most likely find Beluga hybrids, hybrid of Beluga & Siberian sturgeon. Domestically raised Beluga trades for $25,000 USD per kilo.
- Osetra caviar is a bit smaller eggs than Beluga, the diameter of its pearls rarely exceeds 2.5mm. Color of osetra caviar may vary from grey to grey-brown. Ossetra caviar by its taste and health benefits is almost as good as Beluga caviar.
- Sevruga Caviar has the smallest eggs, its diameter is about only 1mm. Sevruga caviar has a rich creamy and earthy flavor. It’s color varies from light-grey to dark grey.
Black Caviar’s Appearance:
- Some people think the darker the caviar the better. In reality it’s the opposite, caviar with lighter eggs are more valuable and expensive.
- Color of high quality caviar varies from silver-black to grey-brown.
- Caviar egg sizes may vary but the larger the egg, the older the fish. That’s why caviar with large eggs is more expensive. Pearls should be full, same size and unbroken.
What does black caviar taste like?
High quality caviar doesn’t have a strong smell, fresh black caviar should not smell fishy. Black caviar is mild in smell which is almost impossible to catch. Strong fishy smell is a sign of fake or spoiled caviar. Taste of true caviar is smooth and lightly salted.
An Excessive saltiness and strong bitter taste is a sign that caviar has gone bad. You should not be eating such caviar at all if you care for your health. The best black caviar has rich creamy and nutty flavor with a hint of sea.
Caviar specialists recommend shaking a jar with caviar before the purchase, if half a jar is full with liquid, return that caviar back to a shelf, it is a low quality product.
Where should I buy black caviar?
Black caviar is an expensive delicacy. As any type of luxurious item it’s often being copied or low quality product being sold at the price of a premium product. Honest and reputable sellers are the highest guarantee that you will get high quality real black caviar worth your money.
You should always trust customers’ reviews, not the advertisement! Bester caviar sells black caviar to chef-awarded restaurants, Russian grocery stores, gourmet stores and is also top seller on the largest platform in the World: Amazon. Bester Caviar is ranking as a top seller on Amazon with over 90 of 4.7star rating from verified customers!
Check it here! https://www.amazon.com/Malossol-Russian-Siberian-Traditional-OVERNIGHT-GUARANTEED/dp/B08BKJ651L/ref=sr_1_5?crid=24H0GB2ZBPKLO&dchild=1&keywords=bester+caviar&qid=1629869526&sprefix=bester+caviar%2Caps%2C294&sr=8-5
You can always get a special offer 20% off or buy 2 get 1 free on their website https://bestercaviarstore.com.
Always check the seller and eat only the highest quality black caviar, because you deserve it!
Written by Inna Polutska